Nearly half of STEM grads go into a different career

Many students do not go into a career related to their college major. Nationally, 48 percent of STEM-trained college grads go into a non-STEM career field.

Research studies have found that a bachelor's degree, in any area of study, is important for future earnings and career growth. Data shows that many college graduates go into a career field that is not directly related to their undergraduate major.

A report from the University Research Corridorin 2013 found that most graduates who started a business started that business in an area outside of their major.

A recent study of the Pew Research Center, shows that the same is true for STEM grads. 

Nationally, nearly half of STEM-field graduates work in a career unrelated to their STEM training. While these students studied in a STEM field, they now work in business, education, law, social services, management, finance, and other non-STEM careers.

Colby Cesaro